CK21 awards
At the recent CENE awards John was presented with an Outstanding Contribution award for his work as chair of CIC NE, BIM NE Region, CIC Nations and Regions, Industrial Advisory Board for the University of Northumbria Civil engineering degree and apprenticeship degree. He was also on the boards of CENE and APS.
As John noted - 'It is always an honour to be recognised by others in the industry and whilst it was a shame not to be at the Awards Dinner itself it was nice to receive this from two of my closest colleagues Cat and Tim by my office on a lovely day! The work we all (including CAN) did on the 'One Voice' NE Construction Strategy was a turning point for regional construction allowing us all to start speaking as one unified industry. Over the past decade or so I have put a lot of time into industry wide organisations assisting in developing construction's profile and its future. I hope others will carry this on as we will attain the industry we want to be in only by getting actively involved.'